Tuesday, 9 January 2018


Dear Tax Payers / Consultants,

For making compliances with M-VAT, CST, PTRC and PTEC Acts, earlier we were using Maha VAT website- http://newautomation.mahavat.gov.in/ , this site is closed now ❗

New website assigned for above compliances is mahagst.gov.in ✅

Same login credentials can been used on mahagst site. (which you was using on new automated mahavat website)

* Please note- if you was using mahavat.gov.in this website, than this website is still on; you can make your profile on mahagst site with new credentials.


(copied from MSTD Website)

Maharashtra State Tax Department


                                                         Legacy (Registered) Dealer Profile Creation 

1. Introduction

This utility allows legacy dealers who are already registered under any of the act administered by MSTD, to create temporary profile for accessing new automation services through the sap portal.

2. Instructions

1.       Registered Dealer if he/she has an active registration certificate under at least one of acts administered by MSTD can create temporary profile through below mentioned process.
2.       If dealer has an active registration certificate under PTEC only and not under any of the other acts administered by MSTD, Please visit https://mahagst.gov.onand click on “New Dealer Registration” and if your PAN is not allowed there for creation of temporary profile, only then go through the below mentioned process
3.       For Old e-services, legacy dealer should continue using their existing user id and password in mahavat.gov.in.
This temporary profile creation is only for accessing new automation services through mahagst.gov.in portal.
4.       The new user id and password created should be used to login on mahagst.gov.in portal only.
5.       In case of any complaint during profile creation process, dealer needs to raise a service request at following path :
www.Mahagst.gov.in à May I Help you à Service request.
Service request should have proper problem description. Please check details at end of the document.


3. Steps for Registered Dealer Profile Creation in SAP

The USER has to follow the below mentioned steps:
Ø Create Temporary Profile
Ø  Log in to the VAT e-services
Ø  Input Permanent Login id and password.
Ø  Raise service request ( if any problem)

4. Process flow for “Legacy (Registered) Dealer Profile Creation in SAP

User needs to click on “Log In for VAT e-services
Click “Create Profile for New System”

Select “Registered Dealer” and click on “Next” on extreme right below.
Ø  Give PAN and existing legacy TIN (starting from 27* / 99*).
Ø  Select the constitution from dropdown box.
Ø  Click on “Next”.

Ø  User id and Name will be displayed as per the name existing in PAN.
Ø  Dealer needs to be input all the details (* means all are compulsory to be input) and then tick on the declaration.
Ø  Click on “Create Profile”.

You will receive an email with the link for activation and OTP in the mobile number which was given during profile creation.
Ø  Copy the above link and paste on the browser and enter.
Ø  You will get below screen with Name and PAN auto-populated on the screen.
Ø  Dealer must have received OTP in his mobile
              Dealer will receive permanent User id and password in his registered email id.

4.2 Enter Permanent User Id & Password

Ø  Select “Log in for VAT e-services” as below.
Ø  Enter “USER ID” received on registered mail id
Ø  Enter “Password” received on registered mail id
Ø  Click “Log On”
Ø  Dealer will have change the password in first login.

Ø  Click on Continue.
Ø  This will take to the dealers Home page.

4.3 Dealers Home page.

Dealers home page will have all the dealer details with respect to returns, payments, e-CST, refunds  etc.

4.4 Raising Service request

 Go to www.mahagst.gov.in .
Click on “May I Help you?” ---> Service Request.
Here Dealer can raise a service request for any problems related to Registration, Returns, Payments, Refunds, e-CST, etc.
While describing the problem, please mention proper problem description with the following details:
1.       State problem description.
2.       Mention TIN, PAN, email id, contact number.
3.       Upload supporting error screen-shots.

Thank You



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