Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Director KYC FORM DIR 3

DIR-3 KYC – A step towards updating directors database. As a part of updating its directors database, The MCA has notified the format of E-form DIR-3 KYC under new Rule 12A, vide the ‘Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Fourth Amendment Rules, 2018‘, via notification dt. 05.07.2018. DIR-3 kyc is available for filing.

Who is required to file DIR-3 KYC?

“12A Directors KYC: – Every individual who has been allotted a Director Identification Number (DIN) as on 31st March of a financial year as per these rules shall, submit e-form DIR-3-KYC to the Central Government on or before 30th April of immediate next financial year.(For Example 1: -If DIN was allotted as on the date of 31st of March, 2019, then you are required to file DIR-3 KYC before 30th April, 2020.
Provided that every individual who has already been allotted a Director Identification Number (DIN) as at 31st March, 2018 shall submit E-form DIR-3 KYC on or before 31st August, 2018. (For Example 2:- If DIN was allotted on or before 31st of March, 2018 then you are required to file DIR-3 KYC on or before 31st August, 2018.
# Mandatory to file for all Directors even for disqualified directors

Documents required to file DIR-3 KYC

1) Proof of Identity: -PAN (Self attested Copy)
2) Proof of Address: – Aadhar Card with updated Mobile number with UIDAI (Self attested Copy)
3) Latest passport size Photograph
4) Personal Mobile Number and E-mail ID of directors for OTP Verification
5) Digital Signature of director (Registered on MCA Portal).
Note: –
1) In case of Foreign Nationals, passport is mandatory.
2) Mobile No. and E-mail ID shall be on director’s himself only.
3) The E-form DIR-3 KYC shall be duly certified by Practicing Chartered Accountant, Practicing Company Secretary or Practicing Cost Accountant.
Fees for filing E-form DIR – 3 KYC
Fees for filing E-form DIR-3 KYC under Rule 12A of Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014 –
  1. Fee payable till the 30th April of every financial year in respect of e‐form DIR‐3 KYC as at the 31st March of immediate previous year. (Read Example 1): Not Applicable
  2. Fee payable in delayed cases i.e. after 31st August, 2018.Rs. 5000/‐

Consequences of not filing DIR-3 KYC

In case, a director failed to intimate his particulars in E-Form DIR-3 KYC within stipulated time in accordance with   Rule 12A, then the Director’s Identification Number (DIN) of directors shall be Deactivated and the MCA21 system will mark all approved DINs (allotted on or before 31st March 2018) against which DIR-3 KYC form has not been filed as ‘Deactivated’. However, the de-activated DIN shall be Re-activated only after filing of E-form DIR-3 KYC along with prescribed fees as prescribed under Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Rules, 2014
Secondly, Late Fees Penalty amount to Rs. 5000 from 1st of September, 2018 will be levied.
Hope the information will assist you in your Professional endeavours. In case of any query / information, please do not hesitate to write back to us in comments.

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